03 - Tracking data applications
Tracking data sometimes could be overwhelming in terms of data processing needs. To facilitate the work with tracking data I developed the R package {soccerAnimate}
For the moment, the public version of the package is only working with the format of the open data by the data provider Metrica Sports.
In case you have available another data provider or format, just let me know and I can adapt the code for you. For example, I’ve been also working with Catapult data from GPS devices. For that just a previous data calibration is needed using some LAT/LONG coordinates of the field.
The following images show some of the applications that are possible using this kind of data (both from optical and GPS devices):
Animation marking the Convex Hull for both teams
Animation marking the Voronoi diagrams considering all players
Players distances on different velocity ranges (walking/jogging/running/sprinting)
Plot showing all the sprints made by a specific player along the game
Team position structure over the game, ON/OFF ball situations
For more details check the articles “{soccerAnimate} an R package to create 2D soccer animations” and “{soccerAnimate} updates…”
Future works will consider to add a pitch control model like the following example:
GIF generated by Tony ElHabr