Personal info
Ismael Gómez Schmidt, 37 years old, from currently living in
Married and father of a son who is 12 years old
I love sports (watch and play), mainly football , tennis and chess
I also like to play guitar , videogames and Fantasy Premier League!
Technical Skills & Tools
Coding: I am an experienced R
user. I also know SQL
, Python
and Matlab
Data Science: R
is a big part of my workflow from reading in data, transforming and ‘tidying’ data, exploring and visualizing data, modeling, reporting, presenting, and trying it all together in a dashboard. In addition to that I am used to work with the following tools: PosgreSQL
, Git
, AWS Sagemaker
& H2O
Web Technologies: Basic HTML
; Hugo
+ {blogdown}
; Quarto
; Dashboards in R with {shiny}
, and interactive data visualization with plotly
, {highcharter}
and {ggiraph}
Others: Microsoft Windows
, Trello
, Confluence
, Jira
and Microsoft Office
Universidad de Chile | Diploma in Data Science and Engineering (2016)
Universidad Tecnológica de Chile INACAP | Acoustics Civil Engineering (2008 - 2013)
B. Sc. Specialization / Thesis: “Aircrafts detection algorithm development”
Universidad Tecnológica de Chile INACAP | B. Sc. Engineering Science (2006 - 2011)
Currently working at
La Pizarra del DT
Freelance Football Analytics Instructor and Consultant | Jan 2021-Present
Football education company based in
For more details:
Updated on January 2024